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Law Firm Vision Statement: Does Your Firm Need It?

If you are an attorney just starting out on your own or a partner at a well-established firm, having a well-defined vision and mission for your business is essential. 

There are some lawyers out there who can't explain their actions to us. It's as if they awoke to practice a form of law they never planned to practice. Sometimes an entire company suffers from a similar lack of vision or purpose. As time goes on, this company rarely improves, instead drawing and losing indifferent professionals and customers.

On the other hand, legal companies that know who they are, who they represent, and why they do it tends to have the happiest workers, the most satisfied clients, and the most successful practices. They also prefer to stick around.

How can your company become one of them?

To get started, create a law firm vision statement. Then put them into practice daily.

Why Is A Law Firm's Vision Statement Important?

A vision statement is essential for a law firm because it serves as a successful strategy. An employee can refer to it when facing difficulties. Having a law firm vision statement can also assist in motivating staff to work toward common goals. A firm's vision statement can be used by current and prospective clients to learn more about the company's goals and objectives.

How To Draft A Law Firm Vision Statement?

Being a sole owner means you can skip the planning phase and jump right into writing. If your law company is managed by more than one person, all members of your leadership team should discuss responses to these questions independently before meeting to discuss them. Once you've reached an agreement, you can begin drafting your law firm's vision statement.

Draft your vision statement as many times as necessary until you are entirely satisfied with it. Let's discuss how to write a legal firm's vision statement with the below tips:

1. Determine Firm Goals

Both long-term and short-term goals are important for growth and success. As you set goals, consider how you can achieve them. Having a guide will make your vision statement aims more achievable.

2. List the Values

Every firm has values. A future that is exciting and inspiring for you and your law firm should be the focus of your vision statement. It should motivate you (and your team) to work hard. List them on your law firm vision statement.

3. Keep it simple.

It's difficult to squeeze all the required information into one or two sentences.  Your vision statement must be clear and simple. It should only be one or two sentences long. 

4. Preparation

Ensure your law firm's vision statement aligns with long-term organizational goals. However, it's important to consider how this vision statement can withstand changes in the economy, the corporation, and its customers.

5. Create a schedule

Adding time frames to a vision statement's components helps guide a law firm success. 

Now that you know what a Law firm's vision statement is and why your law company needs one, it's time to put your vision on paper and get to work. Get started creating Your Vision Statement with Calliope Content.